Upgrade of your cooling asset

Maximizing the efficiency and reliability of your power plant is essential for optimal power generation.
Upgrade of your cooling asset


Modification, modernization and upgrade of your cooling asset

Whether it’s a retrofit, revamp, rebundling or repowering of your condensers, maximizing the efficiency and reliability of your power plant is essential for optimal power generation.

In today’s energy landscape, implementing an advanced modification to optimize performance is emerging as a cost-effective solution.

Our retrofitting and rebundling services are tailored to address the unique needs of your power plant, offering innovative solutions that deliver measurable improvements in performance, reliability, and efficiency.

By investing in a modification

Identify operational hurdles and potential efficiency
and performance improvements during a
performance audit of your dry cooling system.


Increase the capacity of the power plant and condenser


Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards


Enhance efficiency through upgrading key components


Increase air flow and leading to higher thermal capacity


Dismantling & commissioning services

Case Study


Situation  Biomass Power Plant 20MW was suffering on extensive leakage from old Multi-row installation. The performances were significantly impacted leading to loss of production.

Objective Recover and improve initial performances, degraded by extensive leaks, ageing & corrosion while minimizing costs & outage period.

Solution  SPG DC has proposed to replace all bundles and steam distribution duct with more performant Single Row tubes.

All other components as fan drive, steel structure, etc. have been reused in order to limit the investments. Activity performed in two phases during shut down period for maintenance (45 days).

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Get in touch!

Considering modifying,
modernization, or upgrade of
your cooling asset?

Service and support - Engineered Retrofits

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Engineered Retrofits.